Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Avoid these birth dates

One of the astrological patterns strongly associated with still births, infant mortality and congenital defects (IM-1 signature) crops up about twice a year with monotonous and tragic regularity. If you are pregnant or planning for a child, take note of these dates:
August 18,19 2009
July 31 2010
December 3,4 2010
April 4 2011
Only a minority of kids born on these dates will be affected. But the risk is present and acute. Rather give these dates a wide berth altogether. (See the post on the sister blog to Osrail dealing with "astrological eugenics".)

Even if the IM-1 carrier survives the birth and first year of life, it is constantly stalked by the possibility of accidental injury, disease, and fatality.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oaklands Cops Walked Through Open Door

Around lunchtime on March 21, 2009, parole violater, pimp & serial rapist Lovelle Mixon gunned down two Oakland, CA cops in cold blood. They had not even reached for their guns. Mixon escaped on foot.

A few hours later, at his sister's apartment, he killed two more officers before succumbing to his own injuries.

This incident has been described as the worst California cop-killing case since 1970. See Wikipedia account of this tragedy for details.

Azrael's (angel of death) mechanisms of facilitating death are complex and multifarious. But they can be classified into two broad categories - ACTIVE and PASSIVE. The best analogy for explaining this is the hunter and the hunted.

In the active scenario, the hunter pursues the prey and will terminate any target in his sights. The passive scenario occurs when the hunter has got his feet up and is enjoying a cup of coffee. If the prey happens to wander into the hunter's coffee break, the hunter will seize the opportunity even though he had no specific intention at the time.

The passive option is known as an "Open Door". Click here for other posts dealing with this subject.

In Oakland, at 1:08pm PDT on March 21, 2009, Azrael had opened a door. No-one had to walk through it. There was no pressure on anyone to walk through it. But in their ignorance, the cops walked through. If the arrest scene had played out 10 minutes (perhaps as few as 5 minutes) later, there would have been a completely different result.

In an ideal world, astrology would be a respected science and police officers everywhere would carry hand-held devices which identify these open doors. Such devices could be referered to when planning a stop and inspection. In an ideal world, the arresting officers would have delayed their engagement with Mixon until Azrael's Open Door had closed again.

Bottom line: those who engage in high-risk activity in the space-time proximity of an Open Door are prone to dying.

It is simple matter to scan ahead for locations in space-time which contain the same toxic potential as prevailed in Oakland in March 09. It would also be simple to then identify the Open Doors. But I cannot do this for the whole planet as there are not enough hours in the day. If someone comes with a specific request specifying location and time frame, then the scan becomes feasible.

The Victims

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No Fly Airports - June 4-6, 2009

Every so often, a celestial configuration appears that correlates to aircraft pilots making critical errors.

Fortunately, this phenomenon is not global. It is confined to very specific locations on the planet.

Between June 4th and 6th, one should avoid take offs and landings at any airport in the vicinity of these cities:

Wichita, Kansas City, Dallas, Tulsa, Houston, Sarajevo, Palermo, Bristol, Helsinki, Kimberley (South Africa), Brisbane, Katmandu, Karachi, Dacca, Hiroshima, Rio de Janeiro.
This is not to say that any take off or landing between June 4th and 6th at these airports will result in an accident due to pilot error. BUT, there are very specific time slots on these dates during which aircraft should NOT be taking off if they wish to avoid mishaps.

The time of take off is the key to locking in Azrael's attention (or not, as the case may be). For example: let's say a plane takes off in Los Angeles bound for Dallas, one of the danger zones on the list. (The take off time in Los Angeles defines the "birth" of the flight - measured at the precise moment the wheels leave the tarmac. Not, I repeat, not, the scheduled departure time.) 92% of flights from Los Angeles to Dallas will land uneventfully. 8% will run the risk of pilot error on landing. What proportion of these 8% will crash is anyone's guess. But without doubt 8% of the landings carry the potential for human fatality.

It is my wish that at some point in the future all air traffic controllers and aircraft will use on board computers to work out take off slots which should be avoided. Advancing or delaying a flight by as little as five minutes can make the difference between crash 'n burn at the destination airport, or not.

I will report on other No Fly dates and zones as and when they crop up.

If you are flying from or into one of the airports listed above, and wish to get your departure time checked out, contact Osrail - details here.

*** UPDATE ***

The Air France flight that crashed into the Atlantic June 1st 2009 originated in Rio, one of the no fly airports listed above. This was 3 days before the June 4-6 window. Analysis of the takeoff chart shows a unique circumstance which magnified the effects of the death signature due to peak only 3 days later. This tragedy could have been avoided if someone had asked.

*** UPDATE ***

The June 4-6 no fly window pertains particularly to pilot error. To date there has been no suggestion in the media that the pilots were at fault ... until this report in the Guardian (June 4th) which suggests that the pilots were flying at the wrong speed as they entered the thunderstorm over the Atlantic. Apparently, the French aviation authorities are so convinced this was the case, they are already sending out recommendations to all operators of A330 aircraft.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2010 - Infant mortality to climb dramatically

The global infant mortality rate and incidences of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) are set to climb dramatically during 2010.

This is due to an anaretic (death-bringing) configuration that shapes up in the skies between mid-November 2009 and mid-March 2010. This configuration will deposit death signatures into the birth charts of far greater numbers of children than usual, set to be born within this interval. These death signatures are programmed to activate before the end of 2010.

Women who fall (or have fallen) pregnant between mid-February 2009 and mid-June 2009 will potentially deliver children with the IM-10 death signature.

The causes of death are unknown. It could be SIDS, pandemics, natural disasters or wars.

The presence of IM-10 in an infant's natal horoscope depends on the time and location of birth. When and where the IM-10 is subsequently activated will depend on the date of birth and geographical location of the child during periods of potential activation.

The IM-10 signature can be avoided through elective caesarians.

Assuming it is discovered that an infant carries the IM-10, mortality can be prevented by avoiding hot activation zones during 2010.

About 10-15% of children born between mid-Nov 2009 and mid-March 2010 will be IM-10 carriers and potentially at risk of mortality during 2010.

If you are not yet pregnant and still trying, rather put your plans on hold until July 2009. This is guaranteed to prevent IM-10 altogether.

Feel free to contact Osrail directly with any concerns or queries.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Alert: Abduction, Rape &/or Murder


Cancerian women born June 21-27, 1989-1991, within the two hour period prior to sunset, are potential carriers of the ARM-1 death signature. As the heading suggests, these carriers are at risk of abduction, rape or murder, probably all three, during certain periods of 2009/2010.

It is important to note that only a minority of women who fall into this category will be carriers, and then only a minority of carriers will become victims.

Victimhood is "achieved" when a carrier finds herself at a specific space-time coordinate which is activating the ARM-1 signature. The following non-exhaustive list identifies some of these periods and locations:

August - October 2009: various locations in Brazil, Kenya, Australia, far-eastern China, Korea, and Russia.
February - April 2010: various locations in Columbia, Italy, Libya, Niger, Gabon, Congo, Sumatra (Indonesia)
August - October 2010: various locations in Georgia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia.

There are many other specific locations of ARM-1 activation during these periods - too numerous to mention here. I have only mentioned those locations where the activations operate with lethal intensity.

If any of this sounds like it could be you or someone you know, please submit the birth data to be checked out. See column on the right for instructions. You may either post the data to the blog by clicking "Comments" below or contact me directly.

Even if you are identified as a carrier - don't panic. These incidents can be avoided by making sure you don't locate yourself in an activation zone.

Monday, April 13, 2009

21 homeless people dead in Polish fire

Last night 21 people died in Kamien Pomorski near the Polish border with Germany.

Watch the inferno here on BBC.

Osrail could have predicted this event quite easily if the right person had asked the right question. Why was the prediction not made ahead of time in order to save lives? Nobody asked.

What was the right question? If the Kamien Pomorski municipal authority had come to me asking: when will we have a fire in this area serious enough to produce multiple human fatalities? ... my answer would have been April 12th/13th 2009.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Jett Travolta = Trista Zinck

Actor John Travolta's 16 year old son, Jett, died tragically during the family's vacation on Grand Bahama Island, Jan 2nd 2009. He suffered a seizure in the bathroom and hit his head on the bathtub.

The astrological signature of Jett's passing is very similar to that of Trista Zinck, a high school pupil killed in a DUI incident in 2003. See previous posts.

This once again demonstrates that death-bringing celestial patterns exist, and that when they activate Azrael comes a-calling. It is also a relatively simple matter to identify these patterns a priori to prevent people from straying into these death zones. Yes, had Jett not been in the Bahamas, he would not have died! Elsewhere, he may have had a seizure, but he would not have fatally impacted his head on the bath.

Ironically, Jett's death is clearly marked in the charts of sister Ella-Bleu and father John. The simple truth is, this family should not have been vacationing on Grand Bahama Island at this time. As soon as they arrived there, this tragedy was inevitable. It was also emanantly predictable.

Here is some video footage of the family taken a few weeks ago in Paris.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sudden Death - see birthdays below

Between December 5th and December 19th 2008, people born during the following intervals are in danger of sudden death due to accident, or health-related circumstances such as heart attack, stroke, ruptured aneurysms, etc.
  • March 26 - May 3, 1923
  • November 5 - December 12, 1941
  • June 16 - July 24, 1960
  • January 26 - March 5, 1979
  • September 7 - October 15, 1997
This configuration has been designated the LABB signature. It is characterised by swiftness and unexpectedness.

NB. not everyone born on dates specified above will be affected. Only a handful, in fact. Activation of the LABB signature depends on 3 factors: (a) time of birth, (b) location of birth, and (c) current geographical location.

Contact me if you want to be checked out. It's a free service.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

National Enquirer reports Swayze's cancer has spread to his liver

For previous posts by Osrail Moriendis on Patrick Swayze's battle with pancreatic cancer, click here.

Los Angeles and Boston are guaranteed death zones until end 2008. Swayze must avoid these locations at all costs if he is to get through this current crisis.

There are other death zones which are not immediately visible.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Azrael's Feast - update

Azrael's Feast is the name given to a particular configuration shaping up in the skies between Oct 26th and Nov 14th 2008. Back in March 2008, Osrail Moriendis identified this pattern and observed that departures from this world would be rising exponentially at this time.

Today is Nov 15th, and a fitting moment for a retrospective. There have been many disasters and tragedies in the news over the last three weeks which have involved deaths on a large scale. The configuration denoted Azrael's Feast has been complicit in only some of them, namely:
  • a cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe - despite official denials the death toll is estimated to be in the region of 250 and counting.
  • a bomb blast in Pamplona - no fatalities fortunately
  • the fires in Santa Barbara, CA - 1 fatality reported
  • landslides in Chuxiong, Yunnan, China - 20 dead, 41 missing
Azrael's Feast returns in 2009 in February and again in December.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Next 9/11

The collective consciousness of humanity is currently saturating with a meme that points to a large scale 9/11 type incident, probably involving a nuclear weapon. The buzz has reached fever pitch. Here are just three articles/reports alluding to this, that have all appeared in the last two weeks. There are many more.

"A Second 9/11": An Integral Part of US Military Doctrine by Michel Chossudovsky

Report: Al-Qaida planning Britain strikes

Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours

Whether you belong to the "False Flag" school or the traditionalist "Crazy Arabs did it" school does not alter the fact that this meme is out there and humanity as a whole is busy manifesting the reality. There will be an incident. But when? And where?

The sheer volume of effort required to pinpoint the space-time coordinates of the next attack precludes a global scan for this event. The best I can do is choose likely targets and check those out as and when the resources become available to me. I have selected the following locations to monitor for large scale human tragedies:
  • New York
  • Washington
  • Los Angeles
  • London
  • Teheran
  • Jerusalem
I will be happy to take other suggestions under advisement.

Watch this space.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rape & Murder in MA

On August 27 1991, 33 year old wheelchair-ridden Corrine Flynn was raped and stabbed to death in Hyde Park, MA, by a crazed alcoholic misogynist who was also a family friend. The perpetrator, James Caffrey, went undetected for a few years before a DNA test fingered him as the culprit. In a bizarre twist, Caffrey helped Fynn's brothers clean up the scene of the crime in the aftermath. He received a double sentence in 1995 - one for the rape, one for the murder - and is required to do 24 years minimum in prison before being considered for parole.

Corrine Flynn suffered from multiple sclerosis. She was unable to defend herself. After he had raped her, Caffrey stabbed her six times. A brutal and ruthless crime against a defenseless woman.

The CF-MA death signature that caught Azrael's attention back in 1991 is very precisely marked in Flynn's birth horoscope. Every 12 years or so, children are born who carry this signature. Indeed, it is more of a life-promoting structure than a death signature. Under normal circumstances it encourages happiness and success.

But in August '91, Hyde Park MA, it was activated by a strong "denial of life" current which spectacularly sapped its normally vibrant inputs and created a nightmare for the native. As much as it is capable of contributing positively to the life of the carrier, it can destroy life violently, torturously and completely when activated in this way.

The most recent crop of CF-MA carriers came into the world in 2006, and before this, in 1993/1994. Azrael has pegged these carriers for harvesting between 2021 and 2023.

About 200 million children were born in 2006. Less than 1/4 of 1% have the CF-MA signature - about half a million. Of these, Azrael will harvest only a fraction - it is impossible to calculate the figure exactly.

Who will be harvested? It depends only on the time and place of birth, and location during the season of the harvest. The variables are too numerous to be precise in a forum such as this. However, if your children were born in February/March 1994 or 2006 at sunrise plus/minus an hour or so, they could well be carriers. (This is not to say there will be no carriers born in other months. There will certainly be others.)

If you want to get your kids checked out, post their birth data on the blog or contact me directly. It is a free service.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baluchistan & the Demon Whore

Two 6.4 magnitude quakes have hit Baluchistan, on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border, in the last 24 hours. Hundreds feared dead. Thousands of lives have been affected. Just one more tragedy to afflict this blighted, war-torn area.

The culprit this time is the demon whore Lilith. As the mythology goes, she was the first wife of Adam who refused to submit to his authority. She rebelled and went off to join the demons with whom she copulated and spawned a devil's brood. Lilith has been rehabilitated by the 20th century feminist movement, and is now an icon of liberated women, representing the archetypal revolutionary working to overthrow the patriarchy.

Astrology, however, contues to take a dim view of Lilith. In astrology, the mythology around Lilith has been correlated with the Black Moon - the empty focus of the Moon's elliptical orbit about the Earth. In geocentric longitude, this is the same as the theoretical apogee. So, both astronomical constructs - the empty focus and the apogee - are known as Black Moon Lilith to astrologers.

It is no surprise that she is complicit in this latest disaster to befall Baluchistan, given her evil nature. She crops up in major earthquakes, more often than one would expect of such minor role in the astrological theatre. In this latest incident, she uniquely and clearly identifies the Quetta area as the site of a tragedy on October 28/29 2008.

The question is, why did an astrologer not predict this event in advance? Answer: because no one was looking.

There are two ways to look. You can try to predict the next major erthquake by spending your life scanning astrological patterns all over the globe - but this is like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack. (And we all need to make a living.) Or you can confine your searches to a single country/province, such as Baluchistan and focus your efforts there. This latter option is far more feasible and easier to do.

Had anyone been focusing on Baluchistan between August and October 2008, the quake could have been predicted in the space of half-an-hour.

The Dragon and the Lagos Blast

The "ecliptic" is a technical name for the Sun's path around the Earth.

Imagine standing at the centre point of a big circle in space with a 93 million (odd) mile radius. That circle is the ecliptic.

In reality it is not a circle but an ellipse. The centre is not the middle but two points known as foci. The radius is not constant but a variable distance known as a directrix - which changes with the seasons. And it is the Earth that describes the ellipse around the Sun, not the other way round.

But this complexity was lost on astrologers of old. For them, the Earth was the centre of the Universe. And the Sun moved in a circle about the Earth. As did the Moon. They also noticed that the Moon's plane of rotation was tilted by about 5 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic. And, therefore, twice a month the Moon penetrates the plane of the ecliptic - once on the way down and again on the way back up. (Click in image above to enlarge.)

They called these points of penetration the head and tail of the Dragon. Modern astronomy refers to them as the Moon's nodes. Funny thing is, they're never in the same place from one month to the next. Indeed, they're never in the same place from one day to the next, as they retrograde and osculate their way through the zodiac.

In astrology, when the Dragon teams up with the lord of karma, Saturn, bad things go down. Such as the explosion in Lagos, Nigeria, on Januray 27, 2002. A military explosives facility blew up, killing at least 1100 people, many of whom drowned in a canal as they fled the fireball. The disaster left another 20,000 people homeless.

The blast shattered windows 15km away and was felt up to 50km from the capital. The explosion caused grenades and other incendiary ordnance to rain down on the city. The earth shook and buildings collapsed. Other buildings caught fire. People jumped from skyscrapers to avoid being burned alive. Crowds stampeded away from the epicentre. Children were trampled underfoot. In the darkness, panicked people tumbled into the city canal and drowned.

1-27-02 was truly a date with Azrael, for Lagos.

The irony is that Azrael's plan for Lagos could have been foreseen. His celestial calling cards are clearly visible in the joint machinations of Saturn and the Dragon. These two astrological protagonists identified Lagos as a potential disaster zone for the months November, December 2001, and January 2002. Then again, they narrowed their focus onto the last week of January. And finally, as the Sun rose on the 27th, the smart money would have seen Saturn and Dragon marking this day as the day for Azrael to bring in a bountiful harvest.

This date could have been spotted 10, 20, 30 years ago ... if anyone had bothered to look.