Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

National Enquirer reports Swayze's cancer has spread to his liver

For previous posts by Osrail Moriendis on Patrick Swayze's battle with pancreatic cancer, click here.

Los Angeles and Boston are guaranteed death zones until end 2008. Swayze must avoid these locations at all costs if he is to get through this current crisis.

There are other death zones which are not immediately visible.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Azrael's Feast - update

Azrael's Feast is the name given to a particular configuration shaping up in the skies between Oct 26th and Nov 14th 2008. Back in March 2008, Osrail Moriendis identified this pattern and observed that departures from this world would be rising exponentially at this time.

Today is Nov 15th, and a fitting moment for a retrospective. There have been many disasters and tragedies in the news over the last three weeks which have involved deaths on a large scale. The configuration denoted Azrael's Feast has been complicit in only some of them, namely:
  • a cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe - despite official denials the death toll is estimated to be in the region of 250 and counting.
  • a bomb blast in Pamplona - no fatalities fortunately
  • the fires in Santa Barbara, CA - 1 fatality reported
  • landslides in Chuxiong, Yunnan, China - 20 dead, 41 missing
Azrael's Feast returns in 2009 in February and again in December.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Next 9/11

The collective consciousness of humanity is currently saturating with a meme that points to a large scale 9/11 type incident, probably involving a nuclear weapon. The buzz has reached fever pitch. Here are just three articles/reports alluding to this, that have all appeared in the last two weeks. There are many more.

"A Second 9/11": An Integral Part of US Military Doctrine by Michel Chossudovsky

Report: Al-Qaida planning Britain strikes

Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours

Whether you belong to the "False Flag" school or the traditionalist "Crazy Arabs did it" school does not alter the fact that this meme is out there and humanity as a whole is busy manifesting the reality. There will be an incident. But when? And where?

The sheer volume of effort required to pinpoint the space-time coordinates of the next attack precludes a global scan for this event. The best I can do is choose likely targets and check those out as and when the resources become available to me. I have selected the following locations to monitor for large scale human tragedies:
  • New York
  • Washington
  • Los Angeles
  • London
  • Teheran
  • Jerusalem
I will be happy to take other suggestions under advisement.

Watch this space.