Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Jett Travolta = Trista Zinck

Actor John Travolta's 16 year old son, Jett, died tragically during the family's vacation on Grand Bahama Island, Jan 2nd 2009. He suffered a seizure in the bathroom and hit his head on the bathtub.

The astrological signature of Jett's passing is very similar to that of Trista Zinck, a high school pupil killed in a DUI incident in 2003. See previous posts.

This once again demonstrates that death-bringing celestial patterns exist, and that when they activate Azrael comes a-calling. It is also a relatively simple matter to identify these patterns a priori to prevent people from straying into these death zones. Yes, had Jett not been in the Bahamas, he would not have died! Elsewhere, he may have had a seizure, but he would not have fatally impacted his head on the bath.

Ironically, Jett's death is clearly marked in the charts of sister Ella-Bleu and father John. The simple truth is, this family should not have been vacationing on Grand Bahama Island at this time. As soon as they arrived there, this tragedy was inevitable. It was also emanantly predictable.

Here is some video footage of the family taken a few weeks ago in Paris.