Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oaklands Cops Walked Through Open Door

Around lunchtime on March 21, 2009, parole violater, pimp & serial rapist Lovelle Mixon gunned down two Oakland, CA cops in cold blood. They had not even reached for their guns. Mixon escaped on foot.

A few hours later, at his sister's apartment, he killed two more officers before succumbing to his own injuries.

This incident has been described as the worst California cop-killing case since 1970. See Wikipedia account of this tragedy for details.

Azrael's (angel of death) mechanisms of facilitating death are complex and multifarious. But they can be classified into two broad categories - ACTIVE and PASSIVE. The best analogy for explaining this is the hunter and the hunted.

In the active scenario, the hunter pursues the prey and will terminate any target in his sights. The passive scenario occurs when the hunter has got his feet up and is enjoying a cup of coffee. If the prey happens to wander into the hunter's coffee break, the hunter will seize the opportunity even though he had no specific intention at the time.

The passive option is known as an "Open Door". Click here for other posts dealing with this subject.

In Oakland, at 1:08pm PDT on March 21, 2009, Azrael had opened a door. No-one had to walk through it. There was no pressure on anyone to walk through it. But in their ignorance, the cops walked through. If the arrest scene had played out 10 minutes (perhaps as few as 5 minutes) later, there would have been a completely different result.

In an ideal world, astrology would be a respected science and police officers everywhere would carry hand-held devices which identify these open doors. Such devices could be referered to when planning a stop and inspection. In an ideal world, the arresting officers would have delayed their engagement with Mixon until Azrael's Open Door had closed again.

Bottom line: those who engage in high-risk activity in the space-time proximity of an Open Door are prone to dying.

It is simple matter to scan ahead for locations in space-time which contain the same toxic potential as prevailed in Oakland in March 09. It would also be simple to then identify the Open Doors. But I cannot do this for the whole planet as there are not enough hours in the day. If someone comes with a specific request specifying location and time frame, then the scan becomes feasible.

The Victims

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No Fly Airports - June 4-6, 2009

Every so often, a celestial configuration appears that correlates to aircraft pilots making critical errors.

Fortunately, this phenomenon is not global. It is confined to very specific locations on the planet.

Between June 4th and 6th, one should avoid take offs and landings at any airport in the vicinity of these cities:

Wichita, Kansas City, Dallas, Tulsa, Houston, Sarajevo, Palermo, Bristol, Helsinki, Kimberley (South Africa), Brisbane, Katmandu, Karachi, Dacca, Hiroshima, Rio de Janeiro.
This is not to say that any take off or landing between June 4th and 6th at these airports will result in an accident due to pilot error. BUT, there are very specific time slots on these dates during which aircraft should NOT be taking off if they wish to avoid mishaps.

The time of take off is the key to locking in Azrael's attention (or not, as the case may be). For example: let's say a plane takes off in Los Angeles bound for Dallas, one of the danger zones on the list. (The take off time in Los Angeles defines the "birth" of the flight - measured at the precise moment the wheels leave the tarmac. Not, I repeat, not, the scheduled departure time.) 92% of flights from Los Angeles to Dallas will land uneventfully. 8% will run the risk of pilot error on landing. What proportion of these 8% will crash is anyone's guess. But without doubt 8% of the landings carry the potential for human fatality.

It is my wish that at some point in the future all air traffic controllers and aircraft will use on board computers to work out take off slots which should be avoided. Advancing or delaying a flight by as little as five minutes can make the difference between crash 'n burn at the destination airport, or not.

I will report on other No Fly dates and zones as and when they crop up.

If you are flying from or into one of the airports listed above, and wish to get your departure time checked out, contact Osrail - details here.

*** UPDATE ***

The Air France flight that crashed into the Atlantic June 1st 2009 originated in Rio, one of the no fly airports listed above. This was 3 days before the June 4-6 window. Analysis of the takeoff chart shows a unique circumstance which magnified the effects of the death signature due to peak only 3 days later. This tragedy could have been avoided if someone had asked.

*** UPDATE ***

The June 4-6 no fly window pertains particularly to pilot error. To date there has been no suggestion in the media that the pilots were at fault ... until this report in the Guardian (June 4th) which suggests that the pilots were flying at the wrong speed as they entered the thunderstorm over the Atlantic. Apparently, the French aviation authorities are so convinced this was the case, they are already sending out recommendations to all operators of A330 aircraft.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2010 - Infant mortality to climb dramatically

The global infant mortality rate and incidences of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) are set to climb dramatically during 2010.

This is due to an anaretic (death-bringing) configuration that shapes up in the skies between mid-November 2009 and mid-March 2010. This configuration will deposit death signatures into the birth charts of far greater numbers of children than usual, set to be born within this interval. These death signatures are programmed to activate before the end of 2010.

Women who fall (or have fallen) pregnant between mid-February 2009 and mid-June 2009 will potentially deliver children with the IM-10 death signature.

The causes of death are unknown. It could be SIDS, pandemics, natural disasters or wars.

The presence of IM-10 in an infant's natal horoscope depends on the time and location of birth. When and where the IM-10 is subsequently activated will depend on the date of birth and geographical location of the child during periods of potential activation.

The IM-10 signature can be avoided through elective caesarians.

Assuming it is discovered that an infant carries the IM-10, mortality can be prevented by avoiding hot activation zones during 2010.

About 10-15% of children born between mid-Nov 2009 and mid-March 2010 will be IM-10 carriers and potentially at risk of mortality during 2010.

If you are not yet pregnant and still trying, rather put your plans on hold until July 2009. This is guaranteed to prevent IM-10 altogether.

Feel free to contact Osrail directly with any concerns or queries.