Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2010 - Infant mortality to climb dramatically

The global infant mortality rate and incidences of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) are set to climb dramatically during 2010.

This is due to an anaretic (death-bringing) configuration that shapes up in the skies between mid-November 2009 and mid-March 2010. This configuration will deposit death signatures into the birth charts of far greater numbers of children than usual, set to be born within this interval. These death signatures are programmed to activate before the end of 2010.

Women who fall (or have fallen) pregnant between mid-February 2009 and mid-June 2009 will potentially deliver children with the IM-10 death signature.

The causes of death are unknown. It could be SIDS, pandemics, natural disasters or wars.

The presence of IM-10 in an infant's natal horoscope depends on the time and location of birth. When and where the IM-10 is subsequently activated will depend on the date of birth and geographical location of the child during periods of potential activation.

The IM-10 signature can be avoided through elective caesarians.

Assuming it is discovered that an infant carries the IM-10, mortality can be prevented by avoiding hot activation zones during 2010.

About 10-15% of children born between mid-Nov 2009 and mid-March 2010 will be IM-10 carriers and potentially at risk of mortality during 2010.

If you are not yet pregnant and still trying, rather put your plans on hold until July 2009. This is guaranteed to prevent IM-10 altogether.

Feel free to contact Osrail directly with any concerns or queries.

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