Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

No Season - Just Ignorance

It is written in the Judaeo-Christian mythology that everything has its season, including life and death. As the story goes, there is a time to live and a time to die, measured and implemented according to the inexorable laws of destiny. When the great big Wheel of Fortune in the sky calls your number, it is time to go ... or so it is thought.

This archaic view is not incorrect. But it is incomplete.

Every human being carries with him/herself a number of "death patterns" which are built into his/her unique destiny profile. Every day, in every location on the planet, the Wheel of Fortune sets up "death templates" which fit certain "death patterns". New York's templates differ from Moscow's. London's templates differ from Sydney's. Each day, people die in each city. Those souls whose innate "death patterns" fit the prevailing "death templates" at any particular location on any particular day, are those who die - regardless of age, sex, religion, or socio-economic status. Azrael is indeed the great leveller.

Your date of death is not a foregone conclusion from the moment of birth. It is quite possible for your days to be long upon the world without ever straying into a death zone. Similarly, through ignorance (usually the case) it is possible to very early on stumble into a space-time coordinate where the prevailing death template is exactly matched to one of your innate death signatures.

Through the science of astrology it is possible to know three things:

(a) the shape of your "death patterns"
(b) the shape of the prevailing "death templates" at any coordinate in space-time
(c) whether or not the patterns fit the templates

By arranging to be elsewhere when your death signature is due to slot into the prevailing death template, the conditions/circumstances which would have resulted in death are never activated. You survive to die another day!

Some people possess "broad spectrum" death signatures which are extremely sensitive to a large number of templates. Even so, with judicious manipulation (or fortuitous good luck), they can escape death for longer than they might. By contrast, someone with a robust death pattern, which would normally predispose him to a long life, may ignorantly stray into a space-time coordinate where he is unexpectedly snuffed out.

Knowledge is everything in the art of staying alive.

Ignorance is fatal.

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