Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Adverse drug reactions cause death ...

Those born on 13th or 14th February in 1932, 1942, 1973 or 2005 run the risk of serious side effects of incorrectly prescribed or administered medication; alternately they are at risk of suffering serious damage from the abuse of recreational chemicals. The period of greatest danger lies between April and mid-July 2008.

If your birthday falls on one of these dates AND you were born within 4 minutes of sunrise, these side effects could be fatal. If this applies to you, you need to do two things. (a) if at all medically possible, wean yourself off any medication/drugs/chemicals you are in the habit of taking, (b) post your birth data to the blog for recommendations on where to locate yourself during the danger period.

Family members of such adverse drug reaction victims, know this: if your loved one dies do not believe anything the doctors might tell you about heart attack or any other red herring. It was the drugs that caused the death.

If you have little ones born 13th February 2005 within a few minutes of sunrise, be especially diligent in keeping them well away from medicines and household toxins.

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