Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Azrael's Feast & the Vietnam signature

In 1850, a particularly toxic planetary configuration appeared in the skies ... toxic because it signalled the re-emergence of the Black Death in China, which proceeded to wipe out 20 million people in the space of 75 years as it swept across the globe.

The next time astronomers observed this same configuration was in 1965, on that occasion correlating with the first major clashes between the US conscript army and North Vietnam.

The pattern held sway in the heavens between August 1965 and August 1966. Everyone born at that time possesses this malefic Vietnam signature in their birth horoscopes - adding up to approximately 100-150 million people on the planet.

Fast forward to November 2008, the time of Azrael's Feast (see earlier post) - another malefic configuration. As mentioned in the earlier post, its influence peaks precisely on election day in the USA.

What does Vietnam back in '65 have to do with Azrael's Feast in 2008? Everything!!! Many, many carriers of the Vietnam signature potentially run into a lot of trouble during Azrael's Feast, especially those born from November 7th 1965 - February 3rd 1966.

If your birthday falls into this zone, beware the time of Azrael's Feast which occurs between October 26 and November 14th 2008. Whether you will be affected/afflicted depends on 3 factors: your time of birth, place of birth, and where you will be during this period.

If you are concerned that you may be one of those affected, post your birth data to the blog for checking out. It is a free service. (See "What to do" in right hand column.)

Judging by the historical performance of the Vietnam signature, it is potentially an unpleasant feature on the landscape of one's personal destiny. Now factor in that it is being activated by Azrael's Feast (Russian Revolution, Spanish 'Flu) and you have a cocktail of death in the shaker.

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