Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Little Joe

Little Joe was one of four siblings who travelled with his parents from Massachusetts to Yucca Valley, CA in the summer of 1992, for a high school reunion.

Little Joe was the only sibling to perish in the powerful 7.6 Landers quake on June 28th 1992. He was sleeping on the floor next to a rock fireplace, which disintegrated during the first shock, ditching heavy boulders onto his little body. He was declared dead half an hour later. Not yet 4 years old.

Indeed, little Joe was only one of three people who died in the quake. The other two were older folks who had heart attacks. But he was the only one in the whole of California who was killed as a direct consequence of the angry earth.

Who or what mechanism selected him for death out of the tens of millions of people who felt the earthquake across California, Idaho, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada?

Joe's birth horoscope carries a feature common to approximately 15% of all births that took place between December 21st 1988 and January 19th 1989. In itself, this is not a dangerous signature. However, 1 in 30 of the carriers of the Little Joe signature are dead cert victims should they find themselves in the proximity of a natural or man-made disaster. As it happened, Yucca Valley was within a few miles of the Landers quake epicenter. And little Joe was one of the 1 in 30's who was in the area at the time. The only one!

What could have been done to prevent this tragedy? Back in 1992, nothing. Now, as result of years of research, Osrail Moriendis is able to define no go coordinates in space-time for all carriers of the Little Joe signature - and it is possible to do this ahead of time.

During 2008 and 2009, natural and man-made disasters will potentially claim the lives of Little Joe carriers born on the following dates:
  • May 19th 1999 - June 3rd 1999
  • January 7th 2000 - March 6th 2000
Approximately 15% of children born on these dates will be carriers. They are at risk of being fatally embroiled in disasters between September 2008 and August 2009.

If your child was born within these ranges, please, please get them checked out by posting their birth data to the blog or contacting Osrail Moriendis directly. It will take minutes of your time to achieve permanent peace of mind. I will be able to advise you if your child is a carrier, and when and where s/he is at greatest risk. It is a free service.

Ignorance and oblivion caused the death of little Joe. Not the earthquake.

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