Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't drive through the door!!!

There is a prevailing mythology in certain circles which subscribes to the view that every human being has a predefined, predetermined, pre-elected, allotted moment of death which is inescapable.

This is not how it works.

Azrael, the angel of death, is impersonal in his visits. He does not target particular individuals. Rather, he periodically opens up doorways of a certain "shape" in space-time. If you fit the shape and happen to be in the vicinity of the open door, then you have the capacity to pass from this world into the next.

Sometimes, the sheer force of destiny will carry you through - if you are stupid or ignorant enough position yourself in the space-time locale of an Azrael-opened door. But there are many other occasions when there is no particular pressure and you have the choice whether to make the journey or not. How does this play out in practice?

Consider the example of Stefano Casiraghi. Here is a man with a blessed life in all respects. A beautiful princess wife, three exquisite, healthy children, a successful business empire, with no reason whatsoever to bemoan his lot. More importantly, he has no innate death signature in the natal horoscope.

One day, he goes out into the Monte Carlo bay with his power boat, crashes at high speed and literally catapults through the open door.

It was all so unnecessary. All he needed was a cogent warning that a door was opening up in Monte Carlo for a couple of weeks - a door that fitted his unusual destiny profile - and he should refrain from high risk activities. If he could not resist the allure of high speed, he should rather prosecute this passion in some other country until the danger subsides.

But there was no such warning. And even if there were, there is no indication that he was a man who would have heeded it.

The art of staying alive necessarily includes an awareness of when Azrael is opening doors in your neighbourhood. Especially if you make a habit of power boating or skydiving!

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