Working wisely with Azrael, the angel of DEATH.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Attention 20-somethings...

Please read and study the following carefully:

6% of all people carry the LUCO signature. LUCO is one of those bipolar chart features that is either a great force for achievement and success, yet is also correlated with mishaps that cause pain and even death under certain circumstances.

LUCO activations occur approximately every 7 years, putting carriers everywhere firmly into Azrael's shadow. It is difficult to quantify how many carriers will fall victim to the activation, but the figure lies somewhere between 2% and 8%.

Some LUCO carriers go through their entire lives without any adverse effects. While others regularly take a hit like clockwork on a 7-yearly basis. It all depends on where they are located during the activation.

Were you born between 1983 and 1985? Specifically, does your birth date fall into these ranges ... ?

  • Dec 17 1983 - Mar 20 1984
  • Oct 13 1984 - Nov 4 1984
  • May 24 1985 - Aug 24 1985

LUCO carriers born on these dates are due for activation between 1st week April and 1st week June 2008. This prolonged activation means we are looking at about an 8% hit rate. In other words, 5 out of every 1000 people born during these intervals will fall victim to the LUCO activation at some point over the next two months or so.

If these dates fit your profile, post your data to the blog. (See "What to do" in right hand column.) I will be able to do the following for you ...

(a) confirm whether or not you are a LUCO carrier
(b) determine whether or not your current location is safe

This is a free service.

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